Amanda Vitale is a fiction writer based outside of Washington, D.C.

Born in Arizona, Amanda Vitale attended the University of Missouri where she studied journalism. She was a finalist in the 2020 30 Below Contest at Narrative Magazine. She is a fiction reader for TriQuarterly Magazine.


“His gaze catches on the hem of Gayle’s skirt. All those things she did with someone else. She was a girl with plans, and that’s what he admired about her. But today is proof that she did learn to compromise, in some manner, with someone. Just not him.”

“The Last Trip” Litmosphere

“Roy’s irritation surprises him. But after all, he still has to remind Sharon to wipe the toothpaste from the bathroom sink. Sometimes she goes a day too long without showering. Roy told her to start on her laundry yesterday, but she didn’t. She’s a dirty child at home, but now Roy imagines all the ways she’s dirty in public too. All the people that must’ve noticed.”

“Pioneer Mother” Narrative Magazine

“She thinks of the family she saw in Elsa’s social media. Everyone gets along. Her parents still hold hands. Her siblings bake cookies together. When she visits home (which Val doesn’t do), she goes to yoga classes with her mom. Val wants that for herself, so that is the family that Harun gets.”

“Following” Narrative Magazine